What we offer
Who we serve
Our services are available
Income from ASC fees are used to support statistics education, most directly via the Applied Statistics Centre Prizes for students in Stat 3083 and Stat 3093.
- Comprehensive assistance in the planning of data collection and its analysis. For best results, the centre should be engaged in the project before any data is collected.
- Assistance with designing the survey or experiment that makes the most of your data, given available resources.
- Assistance with summarizing and presenting the raw data.
- Assistance with fitting models to data, with making predictions from the models, and with assessing the quality of the fit.
- Assistance with drawing scientific conclusions that take full account of the uncertainties associated with the data.
- Explanations of statistical procedures and advice on their implementation.
Who we serve
Our services are available
- Internally to UNB faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates with honors projects.
- Externally to off campus research clients in businesses, institutions, and governments.
Income from ASC fees are used to support statistics education, most directly via the Applied Statistics Centre Prizes for students in Stat 3083 and Stat 3093.